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美塞斯产品家族 当前位置:首页 >> Tidland产品首页 >> DMS- Digital Measurement System 

DMS- Digital Measurement System

It's a simple system that gives you amazingly quick and accurate manual knife positioning. 
The affordable Digital Measurement System is an extremely accurate and reliable method of measuring slitter knife positions. This easy to use system reduces operator error and greatly speeds up re-positioning times. For slit widths 20" (508 mm) and longer, accuracy is within ± .007" (.18 mm), and for slit widths under 20" (508 mm), accuracy increases to ± .002" (0.05 mm) or better.

The Digital Measurement System is simple to install, requiring standard 110V power plus 80 psi (5.5 bar) minimum filtered air supply. It permanently mounts between existing machine frames using two end-mounting blocks supplied with the unit. And the electronic display can be mounted at any position on the machine.

Key Features:

 Accurate knife positioning

Reduction of rejected roll

Easy to retrofit

Simple to operate

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